1. As of this past Friday, I am now officially full term. This boy can come anytime now. I am both super excited and terrified!
2. I have down and out with the worst cold for over a week now. I would kill to take a decongestant.
3. My heartburn is out of control. I think there are only about 10 minutes a day that I don't have it.
4. My belly button still has not popped out. My sister keeps telling me it will, but I optimistic I can remain an innie.
5. For the past couple weeks I have not been able to sleep. Of course, I get up to pee, but I have not been able to get back asleep. I think that is cruel. I only have a very short window of time where sleeping through the night is even possible.
#4 is my favorite, good luck! Newest follower to your blog and I'm sure I'll be a frequent one. Would love a follow back at http://bassinetbabble.blogspot.com