Friday, April 13, 2012


Well the nesting urge has kicked in...big time.  Now that we are down to less than a month before the nugget will be here, I am going crazy trying to get ready. 

I know I am doing crazy stuff that won't even affect the baby (like reorganizing all the cabinets in the kitchen).  This weekend I want to move some extra furniture and kitchen stuff we don't use to my moms.  I know the baby stuff will take up lots of room and I don't want to be tripping over stuff, especially things we haven't used in months.  Next weekend, I want to get all the carpets cleaned and then set up the bassinet, pack n play, etc.

I also want to prepare and freeze some meals.  But I am at a loss.  I am going a couple lasagnas and probably a meatloaf.  Anyone have any other ideas for meals that freeze well?


  1. I loved the nesting phase of my pregnancy, my house was so well organized.

    Burritos freeze really well, so do casseroles.

    this is one of the sites I refer to a lot when freezer cooking,

  2. New follower from blog hop! I love the background of your blog very cute! Your belly is pretty cute too ;) My blog is

  3. Hi Laura! Ah, congrats! I'm sister is due any day now with her first baby. I'm not a great cook so what I plan to do with my sister is visit a Tres Market and bring her a couple of prepared meals to her. Have you heard of Tres Market. I'm not sure if you can find them anywhere but they offer FRESH frozen meals that they prepare at the store. They only use real ingredients which is exactly what a new mother needs :)

    A Mommy's Blog Design

  4. Just stopping by thru the blog hop!

  5. you look beautiful! new follower from the blog hop, would love a follow back

  6. sounds like you're gonna be busy! I was on bedrest for over a month before my baby was born...i hated not being able to get stuff done! Thanks for stopping by, i'm here to follow you.
