He was an even 9lbs at birth, much less than we thought he would weigh. Two weeks before he was born, the ultrasound had him at 9lbs 2 oz. His projected large size was the whole reason we went with the c-section. Granted, I have nothing to compare it to, but my c-section was no big deal at all. By the next day I was moving around without a problem. I felt so good, that I left the hospital a day early. Once I got home, I felt so good that it was actually hard to limit myself physically.
We had a rough patch the first few days out of the hospital. I thought nursing was going just fine, but Brady was losing too much weight. After a few appointments with lactation consultants, it turns out my supply was low. He was nursing for 45 minutes and only getting 1/2oz. So we had to start supplementing with formula. 4 weeks later, not much has changed. My milk is still next to nothing. The LC put me on vitamins that are supposed to increase milk supply, and I have been pumping after every feeding to increase, but nothing is working. I am lucky if I can give him 10oz of breast milk a day, so he is mainly on formula. It is so discouraging. But he is definitely becoming a little chubster. I keep trying to tell myself that as long as he is getting the nutrition he needs, he shouldn't matter whether it comes from breast of formula. And I guess any breast milk is better than none, but I still feel a little like a failure.
Other than that, things are going well. It is amazing to me how you can learn to function on such little sleep! But he is getting better with the sleeping and we can usually count on him for sleep 3 hours at a time at night. And I love listening to him snore!
he is so cute!! congrats to all of you!! sleep?...hahahaha