Thursday, March 29, 2012

Long Distance Pregnancy

So, as I previously said, we had just moved to Connecticut when I found out I was pregnant.  I had left my job in Kansas City when we moved, and hoped to find something once we got here.  The pregnancy definitely threw a wrench in my plans. 

I knew instinctively that I would want to stay home once the baby came.  But I was not prepared, mentally or financially, to stop working 8 months before the baby even arrived. 

I had no idea what to do.  I started looking for jobs and sending out my resume, but it did not seem right to interview for permanent positions knowing that I would leave once the baby came.  Given that it was my first pregnancy, I was also nervous about how I would feel.  I think that starting a new job is the most stressful thing on earth, I couldn't imagine doing it while also fighting morning sickness (luckily I never got morning sickness at all). 

Of course, this whole time my husband and I were living in a small hotel room while trying to find a place to rent, which only added to my stress levels.  But I keep busy by finding a doctor, visiting family, and what became my new favorite activity...napping.

I thought about doing temp work, but it really did not pay much, and I wanted to save as much as possible before the baby came.  Then I thought of a super crazy idea.  When I left my job in Kansas City, they had instituted a hiring freeze and could not bring anyone new in.  I knew they were super swamped. 

With my doctor's permission, I was able to sweet talk my former boss into bringing me back in a temporary capacity for a few months.  The deal was that I would go back to Kansas City, stay in a extended stay hotel and work the exact same job I had just left.  My company agreed to pay for me to fly home for a extended weekend once a month for my doctor's appointment. 

My whole family thought that I was insane for leaving my husband and going back to work half way across the country.  While it was a hard decision, I was pretty comfortable with it.  I felt great, I had lots of friends/coworkers in Kansas City that could help me if I need anything, and I still had a doctor in Kansas City if necessary.

So in October, less than one month after I left my job, I was back.  Same seat and everything, they had never even removed my name plate!  Expect for a few weekends home, I stayed until mid December, then I took a long break for the holidays and went back again in January.

I stopped working and returned to Connecticut for good March 1.  It was definitely time.  I missed my husband; I was sad he was missing out on my growing belly and the kicking baby.  My mind was also starting to play tricks on me in a hotel all alone.  "Is the baby moving enough?  Am I eating enough?"  For a while, I was actually worried I was not gaining enough weight!

So now I am happily at home.  Settling into the house my husband moved us into months ago.  Instead of just setting up the baby's room, I am still setting up the whole house the way I want it.

There is no place like home!


  1. That was a really interesting story. I'm glad you are with your family now. God Bless!

  2. That's a fantastic story! It takes courage to be able to do something like that - especially when you are pregnant. We become so needy..(most of us!) that to be by yourself takes a lot of guts. Kudos to you!

    I am an interior designer so check out my blog for tips...and if you need services, you can contact me.

    1. Thanks! I am following your blog, I could use the tips!

  3. Great story!! I am your newest follower. ;0

  4. I agree! I'm here from clairejustine's blog and I'm your newest follower. I would be so grateful if you could follow me back!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am following you back.

  5. Wow I can't imagine doing that! But glad to hear it all worked out! I'm your newest follower, can't wait to see pictures of that baby!

  6. Hey Laura. I love your header, beautiful! I'm a new follower from refexion's blog hop :) x

    1. Thanks! I am following you as well. Your son is adorable!

  7. you had a lot of experiences in a short time!! you look fabulous! I forget what I looked like pregnant and only have ONE picture...and I had eight babies!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    good luck with everything!

    1. Thanks so much! I am following you as well.

  8. Catching up on your story and wow. I don't know if I could have done that. I love that you did something that made you happy even if others couldn't understand it.

    Have fun getting your house in order.
