Saturday, March 31, 2012


It is a cold, rainy and depressing day in Connecticut.  Yuck!  And to make matter worse, my husband is on a business trip in sunny warm Miami. 

I was already jealous he was there, but the crappy weather here just turns the knife. 

Oh well, I think I will just take a nap and waste this yucky day away. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Long Distance Pregnancy

So, as I previously said, we had just moved to Connecticut when I found out I was pregnant.  I had left my job in Kansas City when we moved, and hoped to find something once we got here.  The pregnancy definitely threw a wrench in my plans. 

I knew instinctively that I would want to stay home once the baby came.  But I was not prepared, mentally or financially, to stop working 8 months before the baby even arrived. 

I had no idea what to do.  I started looking for jobs and sending out my resume, but it did not seem right to interview for permanent positions knowing that I would leave once the baby came.  Given that it was my first pregnancy, I was also nervous about how I would feel.  I think that starting a new job is the most stressful thing on earth, I couldn't imagine doing it while also fighting morning sickness (luckily I never got morning sickness at all). 

Of course, this whole time my husband and I were living in a small hotel room while trying to find a place to rent, which only added to my stress levels.  But I keep busy by finding a doctor, visiting family, and what became my new favorite activity...napping.

I thought about doing temp work, but it really did not pay much, and I wanted to save as much as possible before the baby came.  Then I thought of a super crazy idea.  When I left my job in Kansas City, they had instituted a hiring freeze and could not bring anyone new in.  I knew they were super swamped. 

With my doctor's permission, I was able to sweet talk my former boss into bringing me back in a temporary capacity for a few months.  The deal was that I would go back to Kansas City, stay in a extended stay hotel and work the exact same job I had just left.  My company agreed to pay for me to fly home for a extended weekend once a month for my doctor's appointment. 

My whole family thought that I was insane for leaving my husband and going back to work half way across the country.  While it was a hard decision, I was pretty comfortable with it.  I felt great, I had lots of friends/coworkers in Kansas City that could help me if I need anything, and I still had a doctor in Kansas City if necessary.

So in October, less than one month after I left my job, I was back.  Same seat and everything, they had never even removed my name plate!  Expect for a few weekends home, I stayed until mid December, then I took a long break for the holidays and went back again in January.

I stopped working and returned to Connecticut for good March 1.  It was definitely time.  I missed my husband; I was sad he was missing out on my growing belly and the kicking baby.  My mind was also starting to play tricks on me in a hotel all alone.  "Is the baby moving enough?  Am I eating enough?"  For a while, I was actually worried I was not gaining enough weight!

So now I am happily at home.  Settling into the house my husband moved us into months ago.  Instead of just setting up the baby's room, I am still setting up the whole house the way I want it.

There is no place like home!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How I got in this situation

My husband and I have been married almost 5 years now.  I decided to go off birth control in Jan. 2011.  It took months for my system to regulate - months of zits, never ending periods and bloating.  But finally by May 2011 my periods were fairly regular and we decided to start trying to conceive.  Then all hell broke loose.

At the time my husband and I were living in Kansas City and working for the same organization but in different departments.  A big work crisis occurred and we were both sent to work about 4 hours away.  The first week or so was great, we were there together and staying in the same hotel room.  Then, he got to go home, and I had to stay - for 3 more months.  At the time I was working 7 days a week, so I only got to go home one weekend a month.  So much for our baby making plans (or so I thought).

In early August the hubby saw a job listing for his dream job in CT.  Now I am originally from CT and all my family was still there, so of course I encouraged him to apply.  After a whirlwind couple weeks of interviews, the hubby landed the job and we were CT bound.  There were a couple more crazy weeks of giving notice and packing and then we were on our way to our new life in CT.

The move was so fast, we did not have time to find a place to live.  So the hubby's company agreed to put us up in a hotel for the first month.  So after a 20+ hour drive we arrived at a Hilton late one Friday night in early Sept. with a full car and our 2 dogs. 

The hubby started his new job on Monday and tried to find something to do to occupy my time.  On Tuesday (our 4th day in CT) I decided to hit the hotel gym.  Well, I felt like it hit me like a ton of bricks, I knew I was out of shape but I didn't think it was that bad.  The more I thought about it, I was also super tired, maybe just from the crazy past few weeks?  And hmm, wasn't I supposed to have my period??

I decided to buy a test and wait til the hubby got home (or back to the hotel, actually) to take it.  Before I could even pull up my pants, that stick had turned to a plus!  We were shocked!  Of course we had been trying, but after our crazy summer, it was the furthest thing from our minds.  We still can't even figure out when we conceived.  We barely saw each other all summer and when we did, we were too tried for sex.  I still half think it may have been an immaculate conception.

Next up, how I ended up pregnant, homeless and left my husband to move 1200 miles away....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Is this thing on?

I decided to join the blogging world as a way to chronicle the adventures, and I am sure catastrophes, of my life as a mother.  I plan to focus on stories, recipes and review of the piles of baby paraphernalia that is now taking over my house.  I hope you enjoy my babblings.